“May they all be one”. John 17:21
As Jesus prayed that all would be one, so the Christian imperative is to work for the unity of the Christian Church. As a parish community we are committed to playing our part in making this a reality.
We have good relationships with the other Christian churches in Heavitree and Wonford, and regularly join together to celebrate our faith. The clergy of the various churches meet on a regular basis to share prayer, reflection and ideas about how we can present the Good News of Jesus Christ together.
We also take an active role in Churches Together across Exeter (CTaX) and have been represented on the organising committee.
Please join us in praying that one day we may indeed all be one.
Blessed Sacrament Parish, 29 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter EX1 2QJ
Telephone: 01392 274724 Email: