Guild of St Stephen
The Guild of St Stephen is an International Organisation of Altar Servers founded in England in 1904 by Father Hamilton McDonald when he formed a Society of Altar Servers at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in London.
In 1905, Pope Pius X gave his approbation to the Canonical establishment of the Guild at Westminster Cathedral and in 1906, the Sacred Congregation of Rites made the Guild an Archconfraternity prima primaria enabling all the parish branches to be linked with it. The Guild spread, and in 1934, Pope Pius XI enabled all Guilds of Altar Servers throughout the British Commonwealth to be affiliated with the Archconfraternity at Westminster.
Serving the Lord at the altar is a wonderful way of being involved in the life of the Church. It’s not just for youngsters. To get involved please speak to one of the priests or contact the Parish Office.
Blessed Sacrament Parish, 29 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter EX1 2QJ
Telephone: 01392 274724 Email: