Your Offering
Supporting the parish financially
The parish relies on your generosity to enable us to continue the mission of the Church in this part of the world.
People give in different ways; directly into the plate when you come to church, using the planned giving envelopes which are made available each year or by a regular contribution through your bank.
The most efficient way for you to give is by standing order. Forms can be obtained by emailing the Parish Office: Arrangements are made directly with your bank. Giving regularly in this way enables us to know in any given year what we can expect to receive and this allows us to budget and plan ahead, just as you have to. Please remember to review your offering regularly.
If you can, please GiftAid your contribution – see below for details.
However you choose to give we are grateful.
If you are UK tax payer you can GIFTAID your offering to the parish. This enables us to claim approximately one quarter of your contribution back from the Treasury thus considerably increasing the offering. It doesn’t cost you a penny but benefits the parish enormously. You can GIFTAID if you contribute by standing order or in the weekly collection.
All it takes is for you to sign a form and we’ll do the rest. Forms are available from the Parish Office 01392 274724 or email
Blessed Sacrament Parish, 29 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter EX1 2QJ
Telephone: 01392 274724 Email: