“I will prove to you that I have faith by showing you my good deeds.” James 2:18
Ministering to others is showing love for our neighbour in a practical way. Ministry in the Church is considered to be a vocation. Not everyone is called to serve in this way but many are and with discernment and prayer the right path can be found. There are many opportunities to minister within the community and we are always delighted to hear from you if you would like to take part.
Welcoming and Stewarding
We strive to be a parish where everyone is welcome. Ministering to those who visit or those who gather regularly at church is the first step to fostering community, building a sense of belonging and drawing all who gather deeper into the life of the Church, the Body of Christ. We have a great team of stewards who have volunteered during the pandemic to help keep people safe whilst they are at church.
Ministers of the Word
The proclaiming of scripture during Mass and at other times is vital. When we listen to God’s living Word we come to a deeper understanding of the relationship between God and his people and are challenged and inspired to respond. Listening to a reader who is enthusiastic, engaged and understandable brings the Word alive and helps us all to grow in faith.
Ministers of Holy Communion
Taking Holy Communion to the sick and housebound enables them to take part in the life of the Church. As well as being of great spiritual comfort, this ministry also fosters relationships and helps to build up the community. Helping to distribute Holy Communion at Mass enables the gift of the eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus, to be celebrated and shared fully amongst the community.
Music Ministry
Music plays an important part of any liturgy in the Church. St Augustine taught that to sing is to pray twice! Leading the community in worship and praise brings joy to all who take part and we are always pleased to welcome those who have particular musical skills.
Altar Servers
We are blessed with a wonderful team of servers in the parish who minister at all Masses and truly enhance the liturgy. We welcome girls and boys, women and men to this ministry and are always happy to talk to you about it. Children have usually received Holy Communion for the first time before serving.
Liturgy of the Word for Children
During the 10.45am Mass on Sunday we have a small and dedicated team of ministers who support the youngest members of our parish in hearing and responding to God’s Word. Using specially adapted Gospel stories they celebrate the word of God together and help the children to understand its meaning. Always keen to encourage new members of the team, they would be pleased to hear from you.
GIFT – Growing in Faith Together
Accompanying families as they grow together in knowledge and love of the Lord is one of the most rewarding ministries in the Church. Fostering and encouraging this growth is the privilege of the catechist. If you have grown in your faith and perhaps helped your family do the same then you’d be perfect for this ministry. You need to love God and your neighbour, you don’t need to be an expert in theology! See the GIFT page on this website for a greater understanding of what this ministry entails.
There are many other ways to serve the community including flower arranging, church cleaning, gardening, catering and serving as well as membership of the Parish Pastoral Council or serving on the Finance Committee.
All ministry is supported by initial and on-going training. To learn more about serving the community in this way contact the Parish Office on 01392 274724 or by email at
Blessed Sacrament Parish, 29 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter EX1 2QJ
Telephone: 01392 274724 Email: