

St Nicholas Catholic Primary School

Located approximately a mile and a half from Blessed Sacrament Church the school has strong links with both Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart parishes in Exeter.

Our mission is to ‘present, live and celebrate the Christian vision’ and we do this in many different ways. Our children are encouraged to develop their faith journey alongside one another and to be actively engaged in making a difference in their local neighbourhood as well as the global community. Children regularly take part in community projects with parish groups such a LIFE, SVP and CAFOD.

We also have strong links with Our Lady and St Patrick’s School in Teignmouth and Executive Headteacher Cathy Lowry has responsibility for both school communities.

If you are interested in applying for a place in the Nursery or School please do not hesitate to contact us and make an appointment to look around. We will be delighted to welcome you.

Ringswell Avenue, Exeter, Devon EX1 3EG
Telephone 01392 445403
Executive Headteacher Cathy Lowry


St. Peter’s Church of England High School

St Peter’s Church of England High School is approximately half a mile from St Nicholas School. It is the only Voluntary Aided High School in Exeter and the one that most St Nicholas’ children transfer to at the end of their primary education.

Links between the two schools are strong, with a shared bus service, joint curriculum based projects and excellent staff links.

Quary Lane, Broadfields. EX2 5AP
Telephone 01392 204764
Headteacher Phil Randall

Blessed Sacrament Parish, 29 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter EX1 2QJ
Telephone: 01392 274724 Email: