
Administering the goods of the parish

Parish Pastoral Council
The PPC is an advisory body to the parish priest and actively assists in the pastoral care of the parish. It helps identify particular areas for development and prioritises opportunities. It is made up of elected members of the community and meets several times a year with the parish priest and other officers. It is fully constituted in line with the norms of the Diocese of Plymouth.

Parish Finance Committee
The committee is responsible for the administration of the material goods of the parish. Areas of responsibility include the promotion and administration of gift aid, the preparation and presentation of the annual financial statement and setting and reviewing the annual parish budget.

Parish Office
The parish is supported by the parish office and the parish secretary. Working with the parish priest the secretary administers the day to day running of the parish; emails and telephone calls, bill payments, contact with parishioners etc. The office is open Tuesday – Friday mornings and can be contacted by phoning 01392 274724 or emailing


If you are UK tax payer you can GIFTAID your financial contribution to the parish. This enables us to claim approximately one quarter of your contribution back from the Treasury thus considerably increasing your contribution. It doesn’t cost you a penny but benefits the parish enormously. You can GIFTAID if you contribute by standing order or in the weekly collection.

All it takes is for you to simply sign a form and we’ll do the rest. Forms are available from the Parish Office 01392 274724 or email

Thank you.


Blessed Sacrament Parish, 29 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter EX1 2QJ
Telephone: 01392 274724 Email: